
Friday, March 12, 2010

So Good

1. Let me say that God has been really good to me. He has taught me a lot about what it means to follow him and live by faith.

2. I think I might blog more if I had a desk. Or even chairs to go with my kitchen table. Yes, I have a table and no chairs. I'm excited about yard sale season because the couch is not cutting it. Mostly because I need somewhere to sit my coffee that is within arm's reach and couch cushions aren't very stable.

3. [drumroll, please] I have been accepted to the University of Illinois Graduate School of Social Work! I will start on June 14th. That is exactly 2 months before I get married. crazy. I think I am up for it though. Grad school AND marriage.

4. Spring is finally here! I boxed up one of my space heaters yesterday [2 are still out although they haven't been turned on for a few days]. I am really not going to miss winter.

5. Yesterday there were some construction workers on the roof of the building next to mine and one of them started singing "hit me baby one more time." I kid you not.

6. I am excited to start the hunt for a new apartment. There are parts of my apartment that I love [low rent, walls painted a color of my choice, the green kitchen sink]. However, there are things I do not love [lack of storage, poorly insulated, and the world's tiniest water heater].

7. I am going to do a happy dance now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Little Lost

I've been feeling a little lost lately. A little confused and not sure what to do with my time. I think the 20s are a very chaotic time in life. Maybe one of the circles of Hell. In trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and making big decisions, like where I'm going to live and who I'm going to marry and whatnot; I have concluded that the early 20s aren't very much fun. Maybe part of this is because I am a person who likes to be settled. I don't like moving around a lot and prefer to stay in one spot and put down roots. Right now my life is very unsettled. I don't know where I'll be living or what I'll be doing in as little as three months. I know I'll be getting married in August but I think that's the only sure thing right now. That and knowing that God is with me on this journey. That is what makes this unsettling time in life ok.

Also, I've decided to give frequent blogging another go. I have no idea what I'll be posting about, I just know its good for me to write and after reading many wonderful blogs I've decided that its about time I start documenting my life---even if I am the only one who will read it.
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