
Friday, September 24, 2010

Mass Transit, Part 2

I switched from the not-so-trusty blue line to the gold line.

The gold line is always on time. Sometimes it is even a minute early.

And it drops me off a block away from my building.


The driver typically stops to use the restroom.

Not just anywhere though, at a port-a-potty.

Oh well, at least I'm not showing up for class late.

***Update October 2, 2010: It's official. the portapotty is an official stop of the gold line.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mass Transit

The summer semester went so well. The bus was always on time.

All of those good times have been erased from my mind by fall '10 mass transit. The once faithful bus is not so faithful anymore.

Well, I take that back. The bus is pretty faithful, just not to the bus schedule. Typically ten minutes late or more. I had decided to tolerate it. What else could I do?

Yesterday, mass transit failed me on a new level. The bus was miraculously on time. I saw it turn the corner and breathed a sigh of relief. I stepped up to the curb, pulled out my ID card and readied myself to get on the bus. BUT the bus was not braking, the bus was not slowing down. The bus was driving past me.

What in the world had just happened? Had the bus really just driven right by me? What was I supposed to do now? Apparently this was why the bus was on time. The driver was driving right past people waiting to board.

Then the bus braked. hard. A half a block away.

I walked over and got on. The driver says, "oh, I didn't see you there. Was there a car in front of you?"

"No. I don't think so. Parking isn't allowed in front of bus stops."

There were two girls on the bus. One of them backed me up and said, "no. she was in PLAIN sight."

The other looked at me and mouthed "he's CRAZY."

Thursday, September 16, 2010


The process of change is pretty complicated. I tried to change the amount that I exercised over the summer and got nowhere.

I didn't think the process of changing my name would be this complicated. I thought that all of the government stuff would be complicated. But as it turns out, a quick trip to the DMV and another to the SSA office and ta-da: name changed.

Trying to change it at the U of I is a whole other process though. You would think that as the state's flagship university they could streamline their programs and offices and I could make one stop and be done. Nope. Three offices. Three in-person meetings. Good grief. Get it together, U of I.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I've been thinking about reinforcement lately. Mostly because of a behavior modification project. I want to be a runner. So, I am researching the best possible methods which will cause that to happen.

I think I should make my next goal to be a good student. aka: one that doesn't procrastinate.

Perhaps I should consider consistent blogging after that?

Then I can at least have something to show for all the time I have wasted.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Life In A Small Town

Yesterday we went to get renter's insurance. Now that we actually own things that are worth insuring.

We walked over to the office because it's a small town and we can do that. All of the important places that I need to go are all close to each other. The bank. The post office. Insurance agent's office. hour and a half later we leave. Please don't let that scare you from getting renter's insurance because the process doesn't take that long. That part took about ten minutes.

The rest of the time was filled with conversations you can only have in small town and you actually get to know people. We talked about lasik, the history of the insurance company, the fact that their office is moving to the space right below us, sports (multiple times), and pretty much anything else you can imagine.

Sometimes I really like living in this black hole.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Para Mi

I have decided that I am going to post daily. With no job, I figure it's the least I can do. A little over twelve months from now when I get a real job, I can look back and see what I did when I was a stay-at-home wife.

Yes, I am a stay-at-home wife when I am not going to classes. It is nice most of the time. Except for when I feel guilty and worthless at the end of the day for not doing anything.

Thank goodness, today is not one of those days. Today I went grocery shopping. I actually had a conscious thought about supper before it was time for supper. Oh yes, I planned ahead. Go me.
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