
Thursday, March 31, 2011

90/365: Self-Portrait

I love getting compliments. Who doesn't?

Today my friend Becca told me several times that this color was amazing on me and that I needed to wear it all the time.

Perhaps I shall...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

89/365: Krispy Kreme

For whatever reason, Seth and I have had a serious donut craving lately. On sunday we went to IGA for cheese and I looked for donuts, but I guess their bakery doesn't do donuts. Unfortunate. Seth and I chose to medicate our need for donuts with gummy worms instead. Today, finally, donuts are ours. Thank goodness for Kroger and their connection to wonderful Krispy Kreme.

Before I Turn 25, Part 3

I can't believe it is the end of March already. March flew by, of course, because Spring Break was in March. Anytime a break is involved time flies!

On to the update:

The biggest thing to report is: I have an internship!!! The best part is that it is in Lincoln, which will save a lot of time AND money. I cannot tell you how excited I am about having a seven minute commute.

The other big news is that an opportunity has developed that will allow Seth and I to become more involved at church. I've really wanted to become more involved, but it's a bit of a dilemma with my crazy school schedule and the ethical concerns of working in social services and then turning around and potentially working with those same clients when I volunteer at church. Right now there is a lot up in the air, but I am excited at the possibility of what may happen.

Another huge blessing this month was a huge tax return. Save money this month? Check, check, check!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

88/365: Anxiety

My anxiety levels are off the charts. All because of a stupid midterm that is tomorrow. This is week 11. Seriously? A midterm? Week 11 of 16. That is not a MIDterm. I've not been one to stress out about midterms, but this one has me.

I know that it is because the professor gave very vague instructions and I don't feel very confident in my study techniques. However, knowing that doesn't change the level of my anxiety.

I have tried everything. I've prayed about it. I've positive self-talked. I've taken motion sickness pills because I've heard that they relax you. Well, they did not relax me. They did make me very sleepy when I went to library later to study.

I have told myself that it is only a midterm and that even if I fail the midterm, I can still pass the class. I have told myself that even if I get a C in the class I will still be alright. Nothing is working. Guess I'll just have to wait for this midterm to be over and hope that is what's triggering this crazy anxiety.

I'm thinking . . .

. . . about moving to wordpress.

Monday, March 28, 2011

87/365: One Day Without Blues

I love when I get unexpected packages in the mail. This usually happens when I sign up for a random freebie or a contest. It's how I acquired a signed copy of Cold Tangerines. This nail polish came today. I think it was designed to commemorate Toms Shoes' One Day Without Shoes judging by the name. One Day Without Shoes is next tuesday, April 5th. I'll be painting my toenails and going without shoes for at least part of the day, although I'm not sure I'll even leave the apartment.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

86/365: The Perks of Being An Adult

Sometimes I just love being an adult. It means I can ruin my dinner with gummy worms. One of the few benefits of being an adult. Most of the time I get kind of annoyed with the adult gig and long for the days of yore when I didn't have responsibility. All considered though, all the responsibility is worth it and I definitely don't want to go back to living with my parents! Paying rent or my electric bill aren't my most favorite activities, but they are just part of the bigger picture of becoming an adult.

Turns out being an adult isn't so bad when I can bury my sorrows with gummy worms.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

85/365: Hung

The mirror is finally functional!


This is probably just saying what I said yesterday, only in a different way. However, this blog is for me and not for you and I feel like I need to write the same thing in a different way.

When it comes to homework, I feel paralyzed. It occurred to me in the shower this morning that the reason I am paralyzed come from one source. My bleeping independent study. Halfway into the semester I still don't know what my instructor wants and I am still dreading doing anything for that class. Since I dread doing anything for that class I decide that it makes total sense to not do any homework at all.

This is how I get to the end of spring break and have accomplished nothing. I'm beginning to think that I decided to paint the whole apartment in an effort to avoid homework and still feel productive.

I have written a to-do list. I wrote one a few weekends ago when I was feeling very overwhelmed by school. I wrote another one before spring break. I finished a few random things on that one and started a new one that included the things I hadn't done from the old one.

Guess what? I basically did nothing that was on that list because it meant at some point I was going to get to the point I had to do the reading/paper writing for my independent study. After I had my epiphany in the shower this morning I decided that I just needed to start somewhere. So I did. However, I haven't got to any of the school related stuff on the list.

The paralysis continues . . .

Friday, March 25, 2011

84/365: Angry Birds

Oh, Angry Birds. You have stolen hours of my life from me. I think about birds and little green pigs far too often. My addiction to you is so great that I have beat every level of the regular game and then used Seth's itunes money to buy the seasons version of Angry Birds. Thank goodness spring break is over or I'd probably be buying Angry Birds Rio.

The Need for Routine

I've been on Spring Break this week. Alas, all good things must come to an end and I am now thinking about all that needs to be done for next week. I had the hardest time falling asleep last night because I was working myself into a ball of stress.

I have realized that I really need routine to keep me going and to keep me from becoming a total slacker who later turns into a stress-er. Instead of thinking about the homework I could get done and the stress that would be removed from my life, I thought about removing red walls from my living room. Last thursday I made this crazy rash decision and thought it would be a good idea to paint the whole apartment.

I had a fantasy that while I was waiting on coats of paint to dry I would do homework. I would also turn into superwoman, apparently. I have learned that I can't do it all. I have learned that I should probably give more than 48 hours thought to the decision to paint the apartment, no matter how small said apartment is. I should probably just stick to my routine of doing homework until the semester is over. That would probably be helpful.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

83/365: Midwest Weather

Yesterday, I did not need a coat. I almost packed away my winter coats. Good thing I didn't because I definitely needed my winter coat today. Midwest weather = bipolar.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

82/365: Done, For Now

That's right. Seth moved the ridiculously heavy dresser and I painted the final wall of the living room. I say for now because I nearly ran out of paint and really did not feel like going out and buying another gallon when I was so close to being done. There are a few spots on the wall that I missed and could really stand to be touched up. They will have to wait for later though. Perhaps the week before my internship starts I will find time to do that. And maybe repaint the kitchen.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

81/365: Goodbye, Old Friend

These jeans are my most favorite article of clothing. I love everything about them. They feel awesome, look awesome, and make my butt look amazing. What more could you ask for from a pair of jeans? Unfortunately, my jeans have met their end. There are holes int he knees. I think this is probably the first pair of jeans I have ever own that have gotten holes in the knees before the back pockets wore out. My last favorite pair of jeans I took with me to Thailand and I left them there. I knew before I went that I needed to get rid of them, so I figured what better way to get rid of them then to take them to the other side of the world. Literally. This pair will probably just get thrown out. I feel bad donating a pair of jeans with holes in them and I don't have any travel excursions in the foreseeable future. This pair of jeans gets immortalized on ye old blog.

Let the hunt for my new favorite jeans begin.

Monday, March 21, 2011

80/365: Silver Dust

Silver dust, I think I'm in love.

I've had a thing for gray (or is it grey?) for quite some time. I love all things gray. Well, that's not totally true. I am sure I will not be in love when my hair turns gray.

After the kitchen fiasco, I decided before any paint was bought I was going to sample the color on the wall and keep in mind the whole going lighter thing I mentioned yesterday. I'll admit I was really skeptical when I started because "silver dust" was looking an awful lot like white.

However, I persevered and I am very happy with the end result. I'm not actually finished yet though. I still have the wall behind the tv to do. I can't get to it though because the tv sits on top of the world's heaviest dresser.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

79/365: Ugly Blue

Yesterday the jury was still out on the kitchen. Today, the verdict is in. The blue is ugly. I keep trying to deny it, but Seth is right. It's just too much blue. I really don't feel like repainting, but if I don't it's going to have a very nursery-like feel in there that I'm not sure I can handle. The take-away lesson on this is: whatever color you are going for, move up a color or two on the swatch. Once that color is on all of your walls it is a bit more powerful than that little square on the swatch.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

78/365: Blue Kitchen

The kitchen, after one coat of paint. As soon as Seth came home from work he declared it was an ugly blue. I've been doubting my color-choosing capabilites ever since.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

75/365: Accepted?

I got this receipt in the mail today. In the for line it says it's for Alpha Delta Mu. Alpha Delta Mu is a Social Work Honor Society. I almost didn't even try to get in because I had to write a personal statement about how awesome I am and the statement was due last friday, which was at the end of a very, very busy week. I finally realized it was only 300 words, which is nothing and found some time to write it last thursday morning. When I went to turn it in my brain was so fried that instead of telling the receptionist it was for Alpha Delta Mu, I told her it was for Alpha Data Mu.

If I get in I am recognized at a ceremony and get to wear cool tassels or something at graduation. I am a bit skeptical that I actually got in already, though. If you look closely, you'll see that the date on the receipt is March 11, which was the day my statement needed to be turned in by. I can't help but wonder if some administrative assistant got a hold of the check and wrote a receipt for it, not realizing she needed to wait. I just went and checked my "invitation" and it clearly says that if I am not accepted for membership the check will be returned to me. I guess until I hear otherwise I will think of this receipt as my acceptance letter.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

74/365: Splurge

There are few things I really splurge on. Makeup is one of them. I am willing to settle for mediocre products in some areas, but not makeup. Exhibit A: I am even considering making my own facewash. My absolute favorite makeup is Bare Essenctuals/Minerals/whatever. I should also add that it lasts forever. I bought what I have almost a year and a half ago and am not near running out. They should be paying me for this blog post!

Monday, March 14, 2011

73/365: Happiness Is A Snickerdoodle

Today I went to Borders for coffee because it was the only place in all of Northern Champaign that served coffee. Other than McDonalds. Seriously. Since I did our taxes yesterday and know that we have a return on the way, I splurged and got a snickerdoodle too. And let me tell you, it was worth every penny. It was amazing. Class this afternoon completely fried my brain and a snickerdoodle and coffee was the perfect pick-me-up to get me through the long drive home.

It's Official . . .

I'm an adult. If getting married didn't make me feel old, filing my taxes sure did.

But then I filled out my FAFSA, which made me feel young.

But then I realized it was the last time I would ever fill out a FAFSA and I felt old.

Old and happy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

71/365: Thank You

Today I did the mature and responsible thing. I sent a thank you card to my potential future boss after our interview. Even though she already offered me the internship and I am the one who gets to decide. How noble of me.

Friday, March 11, 2011

70/365: Aperture

Today, I learned about aperture from a very reliable source, The Pioneer Woman.

Not only is she a genius in the kitchen, she also knows her way around a camera. I happened across her "What the Heck is an Aperture?" series on her photography blog.

I won't even attempt to explain it--complicated stuff!

However, I did mess around with the aperture on my camera and came up with this photo. The flower is much more in focus than the rest of the picture, especially if I had used the auto settings. I don't think the effect is as dramatic with my camera, though, since mine is still a point-and-shoot. It is probably the point-and-shoot that is closest to a SLR, although I'm no expert. It does allow me to adjust aperture and shutter speed, but not as much as if it were actually an SLR.

Or it could just be that I don't know what I am doing--totally possible.

All I know is I'm pretty proud of myself, I taught myself something new today!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

69/365: Cold Tangerines

Today I got a signed copy of Cold Tangerines in the mail. I already own a copy so I don't know why I signed up to win this signed copy (no pun intended), but I won! I can't wait to reread Cold Tangerines over spring break!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

68/365: Law School

If I had taken my camera with me to school I would have taken a picture of the law library. Or, I might have taken a picture of a classroom in the law building. Heck, I probably would have taken a picture of the hallway.

Today for one of my classes we went to the law school to be interviewed by law students for an expert witness assignment. It was actually a really fun experience, much more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Besides learning that law students have a really nice library I learned that law students aren't as scary as they seem or want to seem.

Here's the thing: the Social Work building is one of the newer buildings on campus. It is less than five years old (3 I think), and the U of I is always building something new so I don't think I can say newest. Everything we have is brand new. We don't have our library in our building. the library we do have is nothing compared to the law library. We have harsh overhead fluorescent lighting instead of soft lighting and cute little lamps at every table. i could go on all day about everything that they have that we don't have.

I wouldn't trade my degree for theirs, though. I couldn't bring myself to live in that mindset every day. I couldn't live with their ethical code instead of the social work one. The grandiosity of the building was striking, but the more striking difference was our backgrounds and our way of thinking. Many of the law students struggled (and many failed) to understand why someone would enter a profession like social work.

And since I didn't take my camera, here is a beautiful picture I found on flickr.
Law Library HDR by triangle_man

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

67/365: Bonus Points

This game came out today and arrived at our door today. No, we didn't rush out to buy it. I let my husband convince me to preorder it. I was kind enough to let him use my Amazon Student Prime account (which you should look into if you are a student!) and we got FREE two day shipping. Sadly, (for Seth, I could care less) he won't even have time to play it because he is working like a mad man this week. And I am pretty sure I get some points in the bonus column for letting him buy this (even though he makes all the money anyway!).

Monday, March 7, 2011

66/365: You Know It's Midterms When...

Your kitchen looks like this. And it's only monday. One midterm down, four to go. Oh, and lucky me my midterms are spread out over four weeks. Is it spring break yet?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

64/365: New Cookbook

First, blogger is being very weird and not wanting to let me post. I'm sure it has nothing to do with earlier events of the evening.

Second, I got this fabulous cookbook in the mail today. The mother of one of Seth's friends found out I was looking for a good pancake recipe and sent this to me. I am so excited to try it out!

Friday, March 4, 2011

63/365: H*ll Week

This is my Mary Poppins bag. Everything I own could probably fit inside it if I tried. It's my go-to bag anytime I travel because it has so many pockets. Recently, it has become my go-to bag for school because well, I practically live at school (and in my car).

The next week is probably one of the most stressful weeks of school yet.

I have a midterm on monday. On wednesday I am going to be interviewed by a law student and on thursday I have an independent study meeting and an in-class presentation. Oh yea, and an interview on friday.


Not to mention all of the reading and preparation that goes into each of those individual activities. This week is going to be hell (yes, I think that is an appropriate use of the word). I actually just wrote down a list of everything I had to do before this time next week and it made me feel less overwhelmed. Only because all of the stuff I have to do is now on paper and not just floating around my brain.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

62/365: Encouragement

I ran into Sephora on my way home today and expected it to be a quick in and out trip. Instead I ran into one of my professors from a class I took this summer. Even though the class itself wasn't all that great, I really enjoyed spending time with the professor and my classmates. Running into Anne was really encouraging and she made me feel so much more at ease about the whole interviewing and internship process. Also, Sephora has really cute bags!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

61/365: Good Neighbors

Nope, I'm not giving you a recipe for tacos. You can get that off the can :-)

My husband decided he wanted tacos. Problem is we didn't have any taco seasoning and I wasn't going out to buy any. Thanks goodness our neighbors saved the day. Danielle to the rescue! I know that we aren't always going to live next door to such good friends, but I hope that when we move away we become good friends with whoever we live by. Does that even happen anymore? Do people still talk to their neighbors or borrow the occasional cup of sugar?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

60/365: Citrus

Oranges. Much more interesting than they seem. For those of you who know my step-mom, you know she's a little on the crazy side and usually doing something unpredictably wacky. When I was in college she sent me a care package with easter themed items and at the bottom was a box of cheerios. Turns out, she had been searching for that box of cheerios for a few days.

When Seth and I were home over the weekend she insisted on sending home "citrus" with us. She kept calling it "citrus" too, not oranges. Every time we would walk out the door or even appear to be leaving she would remind us to get the citrus. Today we actually got into the bag of "citrus" and one of the oranges was moldy. Not just a little moldy, but completely consumed by mold. Just another slightly wacky thing my step-mom has done--send home an obviously moldy orange with me. She might be a little crazy, but she cares. And I'm pretty sure her love language is gift giving.
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