Monday, August 29, 2011
240/365: It's The Small Things
See that obnoxious extension cord? Yea, how could you not. It's been driving me crazy.
Then I had an inspired idea! Command hooks. I've got a few laying around from the dorm room days. Now when I pull out my sugar or flour I don't have to worry about that obnoxious cord getting in my way. Brilliant!
Almost There
I just read this blog post and it was exactly what I needed as I start this "semester."
I guess this is sort of my last first day of classes, except I'm not going to class, I'm going to my internship. Yesterday at church there was a prayer for students, teachers and parents. And...I cried through the whole thing. As soon as they started praying for students --praying that they would do all things with excellence, that they would befriend the students who are overlooked --well I realized that was what I really needed.
I'm tired of being in school and I don't want to do things with excellence. I just want to do them and be done. Many of the kids I work with probably don't have a lot of friends, they're awkward, shy, or just plain obnoxious. Honestly, on most days I just don't have the mental, physical, or emotional strength to be friendly towards them.
The only thing I remember from the prayer for teachers was that they would have an abundance of patience. I know I need an abundance of patience for sure, but all I could think was, "praying for an abundance of patience is like praying for an abundance of obnoxious children who try your patience." I know I could use more patience for sure.
After taking 20 credit hours two semesters in a row and then jumping immediately into a 7 month internship I'm a little tired and a little worn. I think that the class part of the internship is a waste of time and I don't want to do my assignments at all, let alone do them with excellence. Those assignments just feel like busy work, which I am not convinced they aren't. The internship itself I enjoy, but that doesn't mean I have an endless supply of patience with clients, whether adult or child.
Being an intern at a place I want to work after the internship puts me in an awkward position. I want to do a good job and I do work hard, but sometimes I feel like I get taken advantage of. Since I am new my schedule is relatively wide open. I don't have many standing appointments, usually my calendar doesn't fill up until a day or two before. Since my calendar is so open I have people saying, "well, can't you do this for a hour on thursday?" and "why don't you do this on tuesday?" and before I know it I barely have any other time left. I have a really hard time saying no because I want to show them I am a hard worker and I am willing to work outside of the standard 9-5. I already feel bad enough when I say I can't come in on fridays even though that is a grad school policy, not my own personal preference.
As an intern, I don't get paid and I don't have sick days. I am expected to show up everyday for 32 weeks straight. My supervisor has told me that they are more lenient about that, but the thing with my schedule now is that I can't miss a day or else I am going to leave my responsibilities hanging. And it's not just paperwork that needs to get done, it's driving 2 hours to pick someone up and supervise visits. I now supervise a parent/child visit every day of the week and all of those require 4+ hours of my time. One of those visits requires 4 hours just of driving.
I hope that I will feel differently once I am getting compensated for my time. I hope that I won't mind the later evenings so much and that I'll have a little more patience.
What I do know is that I am almost there. I am almost done with grad school and I am almost done being an intern. I am getting closer to 'there.'
I guess this is sort of my last first day of classes, except I'm not going to class, I'm going to my internship. Yesterday at church there was a prayer for students, teachers and parents. And...I cried through the whole thing. As soon as they started praying for students --praying that they would do all things with excellence, that they would befriend the students who are overlooked --well I realized that was what I really needed.
I'm tired of being in school and I don't want to do things with excellence. I just want to do them and be done. Many of the kids I work with probably don't have a lot of friends, they're awkward, shy, or just plain obnoxious. Honestly, on most days I just don't have the mental, physical, or emotional strength to be friendly towards them.
The only thing I remember from the prayer for teachers was that they would have an abundance of patience. I know I need an abundance of patience for sure, but all I could think was, "praying for an abundance of patience is like praying for an abundance of obnoxious children who try your patience." I know I could use more patience for sure.
After taking 20 credit hours two semesters in a row and then jumping immediately into a 7 month internship I'm a little tired and a little worn. I think that the class part of the internship is a waste of time and I don't want to do my assignments at all, let alone do them with excellence. Those assignments just feel like busy work, which I am not convinced they aren't. The internship itself I enjoy, but that doesn't mean I have an endless supply of patience with clients, whether adult or child.
Being an intern at a place I want to work after the internship puts me in an awkward position. I want to do a good job and I do work hard, but sometimes I feel like I get taken advantage of. Since I am new my schedule is relatively wide open. I don't have many standing appointments, usually my calendar doesn't fill up until a day or two before. Since my calendar is so open I have people saying, "well, can't you do this for a hour on thursday?" and "why don't you do this on tuesday?" and before I know it I barely have any other time left. I have a really hard time saying no because I want to show them I am a hard worker and I am willing to work outside of the standard 9-5. I already feel bad enough when I say I can't come in on fridays even though that is a grad school policy, not my own personal preference.
As an intern, I don't get paid and I don't have sick days. I am expected to show up everyday for 32 weeks straight. My supervisor has told me that they are more lenient about that, but the thing with my schedule now is that I can't miss a day or else I am going to leave my responsibilities hanging. And it's not just paperwork that needs to get done, it's driving 2 hours to pick someone up and supervise visits. I now supervise a parent/child visit every day of the week and all of those require 4+ hours of my time. One of those visits requires 4 hours just of driving.
I hope that I will feel differently once I am getting compensated for my time. I hope that I won't mind the later evenings so much and that I'll have a little more patience.
What I do know is that I am almost there. I am almost done with grad school and I am almost done being an intern. I am getting closer to 'there.'
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
238/365: The Help, Take 2
I really cannot get enough of The Help. The book was absolutely amazing. Since Seth was gone all day I was able to finish the book and then we went to see the movie tonight. It was good, but I think I would have liked it more had I not read the book.
Reading the book and watching the movie has really made me think about the lines that we draw between people. The civil rights movement was over 40 years ago and I think a lot of people would like to think we've moved past that, but I don't think we have. Yes, our country has come a long way, but I think we still have a ways to go. And I'm willing to admit I like to draw lines in my own life about who I will and won't talk to and unfortunately I find that more often than not I'm more like Miss Hilly than Miss Skeeter.
I want to be like Miss Skeeter and I want to buck social norms and fight for change, but I find that, like Miss Hilly, I'm pretty comfortable right where I am and change is only going to make me uncomfortable. I pray that God would make me uncomfortable and show me places in my life where I need to advocate for change.
Friday, August 26, 2011
237/365: Art & Balloon Festival
Tonight is the first night of Lincoln's Art & Balloon Festival. Watching the balloons is about where my interest begins and ends so Seth and I drove over to watch the balloons from afar and then went to the high school football game. Because we are cool like that.
My Running Playlist
The other day one of my friend's facebook status referenced her wondering what people listen to when they run. My running playlist is actually pretty narrow in genre because, well, I need lots of motivation when I run. Technically, I don't run the whole time. I'm going back through the Couch to 5K program (which I highly recommend) and there is intermittent running and walking. Without further ado, here it is:
Africa--Straight No Chaser
For whatever reason, this song really makes me think of winter-probably because I love Straight No Chaser's Christmas album. Thinking of winter is just what I need to help me stay cool when it is so warm out, even at 6 in the morning.
I start running about a minute into this song and the beat is pretty good at giving me a good running pace. The first section of my run it can be hard to get going, especially if I haven't run in a couple days.
Alejandro--Lady Gaga
Every time I hear this song it takes me back to last summer and makes me think of my grad school friends, Becca and Kisha. Kisha started running last summer so it really makes me think of her and Becca was pretty much obsessed with this song and made us watch the music video more times than I care to admit.
When I first heard this song and several times after I thought she was singing "scurvy love" instead of "disturbia." that makes me laugh. A lot. The song has a good beat all the way through. I really need that because it I run during this whole song.
Firework--Katy Perry
This is probably my favorite song at the moment. It lands right in the middle of my playlist, which is a good pick-me-up to keep me motivated for the second half of my run. I really love this song, although I am not crazy about the album artwork.
Hot N Cold--Katy Perry
If I heard this song on the radio, I would probably keep flipping through stations. But when I'm running, I don't mind at all.
I Do Not Hook Up--Kelly Clarkson
I've got to say I have always liked Kelly Clarkson. That's just all there is to it. this song is actually the last one I run to and it's fast beat really keeps me going. At that point it's about all that keeps me going.
Only Girl in the World--Rihanna
This song is right up there with Katy Perry's Firework. I just love this song. I get to start my cooldown walk about ten second into this song and with any other song I would barely be able to pick up my feet, but with this song I can still walk a pretty fast pace.
Just Dance--Lady Gaga
I end with my good friend, Lady Gaga. I really do love the music she makes. This isn't my favorite Gaga song, but it gets the job done.
This is what I run (and walk) to. After six weeks of running, I have yet to get bored with the songs. I like knowing what to expect. I know when I get to I Do Not Hook Up, I am getting close to the end of running and all I have to do after that is walk home.
So, there it is! When I am running or walking this is what's on my iPod.
Africa--Straight No Chaser
For whatever reason, this song really makes me think of winter-probably because I love Straight No Chaser's Christmas album. Thinking of winter is just what I need to help me stay cool when it is so warm out, even at 6 in the morning.
I start running about a minute into this song and the beat is pretty good at giving me a good running pace. The first section of my run it can be hard to get going, especially if I haven't run in a couple days.
Alejandro--Lady Gaga
Every time I hear this song it takes me back to last summer and makes me think of my grad school friends, Becca and Kisha. Kisha started running last summer so it really makes me think of her and Becca was pretty much obsessed with this song and made us watch the music video more times than I care to admit.
When I first heard this song and several times after I thought she was singing "scurvy love" instead of "disturbia." that makes me laugh. A lot. The song has a good beat all the way through. I really need that because it I run during this whole song.
Firework--Katy Perry
This is probably my favorite song at the moment. It lands right in the middle of my playlist, which is a good pick-me-up to keep me motivated for the second half of my run. I really love this song, although I am not crazy about the album artwork.
Hot N Cold--Katy Perry
If I heard this song on the radio, I would probably keep flipping through stations. But when I'm running, I don't mind at all.
I Do Not Hook Up--Kelly Clarkson
I've got to say I have always liked Kelly Clarkson. That's just all there is to it. this song is actually the last one I run to and it's fast beat really keeps me going. At that point it's about all that keeps me going.
Only Girl in the World--Rihanna
This song is right up there with Katy Perry's Firework. I just love this song. I get to start my cooldown walk about ten second into this song and with any other song I would barely be able to pick up my feet, but with this song I can still walk a pretty fast pace.
Just Dance--Lady Gaga
I end with my good friend, Lady Gaga. I really do love the music she makes. This isn't my favorite Gaga song, but it gets the job done.
This is what I run (and walk) to. After six weeks of running, I have yet to get bored with the songs. I like knowing what to expect. I know when I get to I Do Not Hook Up, I am getting close to the end of running and all I have to do after that is walk home.
So, there it is! When I am running or walking this is what's on my iPod.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
235/365: Not Lightly Done

Seth and I are considering being youth leaders....whatever that means. We just hung out with the kiddos tonight to get a feel for what happens and where we think we might fit in. I'm excited but nervous and today was not the most ideal of days seeing as I spent all afternoon (literally) outside of a courtroom, one second thinking they were sending the kids home and the next thinking they weren't. I've definitely got a lot to think about before I make this commitment and it is something I'm going to do lightly.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
234/365: Rearranged + New Clock
Got a little bored while Seth was at a meeting and this is what happened. Well, the clock happened over the weekend because it had to have Seth approval, but it didn't get hung until tonight.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
232/365: One Last Time
It might be the last time this year that my toenails actually look decent. It's a shame the pretty purple-y color they are isn't accurately represented here.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
231/365: Compromise
I can't remember why, but I didn't get get to watch Project Runway thursday night. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Seth and me deciding I could watch it later. This was a huge compromise because I knew it was the Nina Garcia challenge and I love Nina. The episode did not disappoint!
Friday, August 19, 2011
230/365: Charlie
Babysitting Charlie last fall was pretty much my favorite. So when his mom asked if I wanted to sit for him today I couldn't help but say yes. As soon as I walked in the door this morning he said "Hi Jess" and my heart melted.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
229/365: The Help
It's in theaters, everyone is talking about it, why not read it? Haven't finished Water for Elephants (I've barely started), so this will be waiting for me when I'm done.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hump Day Brain Dump
Here's what's rolling around in my brain today.
- On monday I went to the dentist with a three year old and her mom. I may never want to have kids. And if I do, well, I'm not taking them to the dentist. And if by some chance I do, I'm giving them a tranquilizer before.
- I've stayed late at work the last few days. I don't plan it, it just happens because there is something really interesting that is going on or I am helping someone out. I've gone in late to try and balance it out but then I somehow end up staying late those days too. I'm not going in until 11 this morning and I'm still not going to make any ground on balancing out the hours I should be in the office. Yikes!
- Yesterday I supervised a visit with a three year old boy. At the very end he declared "I have to go poop! I am not kidding!" Well, we were at the park and I didn't really have the time to go with the mom to take him to the bathroom so I loaded him up in my car and we went back to the office so he could use the bathroom there. I was helping him button his pants and he told me "you're very nice" and then he gave me the sweetest hug.
- The sad thing about this is he barely knows me so he shouldn't be giving me hugs. I'm afraid he might have reactive attachment disorder because he is either sweet to the extreme or aggressive to the extreme. And he has more resentment than I have ever seen in a three year old.
- I am wondering if I'll be able to finish my internship at Catholic and if I can't what will happen. Hoping things go well in court today, because I really like my internship!
- It's a good thing Seth and I got to spend the whole weekend together because we've hardly seen each other this week. Between my late(r) evenings and his meetings we just haven't seen each other very much this week.
- I have realized I love reality television. Not the Real Housewives of New York type so much, but more the Project Runway, Chopped, and Design Star reality shows.
- Speaking of television, The Pioneer Woman has a show premiering on the Food Network next weekend. I am so excited!
- Speaking of excited, I get to babysit Charlie all day friday. Can't wait to see my favorite (and giant) two year old!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
227/365: Carseats
Monday, August 15, 2011
226/365: Toddler Wrangling
I never know what to expect a day will bring. I did know I was going with a toddler to the dentist today so it was going to be interesting.
Oh and the appointment was smack dab in the middle of naptime and we had to wait over an hour.
She was having no part of it and threw a full fledged tantrum when asked to sit in the chair. As it turned out I got to hold her on my lap while her mom tried to get a flouride coating onto her teeth.
And some of it got on my arm...
Oh and the appointment was smack dab in the middle of naptime and we had to wait over an hour.
She was having no part of it and threw a full fledged tantrum when asked to sit in the chair. As it turned out I got to hold her on my lap while her mom tried to get a flouride coating onto her teeth.
And some of it got on my arm...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
225/365: One Year
I can't believe I've been married for a whole year!
Brunch at Rooster was probably the best meal I've ever had. Best breakfast for sure.
I need to learn how to make crepes.
We also visited the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, which was my favorite part of the trip. Don't judge.
I really liked the clydesdales. What a majestic animal.
The Anheuser-Busch family of beers, most of which were available to sample in the hospitality lounge! I really enjoyed the Wild Blue, which had a strong blueberry taste. Yum :)
All too soon it as time to head home, where we dug into year old cake.
It was actually pretty good!
Brunch at Rooster was probably the best meal I've ever had. Best breakfast for sure.
I need to learn how to make crepes.
We also visited the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, which was my favorite part of the trip. Don't judge.
I really liked the clydesdales. What a majestic animal.
The Anheuser-Busch family of beers, most of which were available to sample in the hospitality lounge! I really enjoyed the Wild Blue, which had a strong blueberry taste. Yum :)
All too soon it as time to head home, where we dug into year old cake.
It was actually pretty good!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
224/365: Revisiting My Childhood (Sorta)
Growing up an hour away from St. Louis, I have been to the city many times. More times than I can count. The place I have been the most is probably the St. Louis Zoo, and probably because it is FREE.
The zebras were amazing, but they were no match for the cuteness of the giraffes....
That baby giraffe was pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen....
Well, maybe except for this. Maybe...
We headed to the famous Delmar Loop and more specifically, Blueberry Hill for lunch.
The toasted ravioli did not disappoint.
We headed over to FroYp for some frozen yogurt. You get to choose your flavor and toppings and pay by the ounce. Yum!
Seth wanted rootbeer floats from Fitz's. FYI, that's a split rootbeer float. Wowza.
After some chillaxing we headed down to the arch. We stood in line for a very, very long time while we waited to ride to the top.
The view was amazing and the timing was perfect to view the sunset. So beautiful!
Seth and me at the very tip-top! The Asian guy taking our picture made us stand apart so you could see the picture behind us. Haha!
Friday, August 12, 2011
223/365: Mini-Vacay
Sunday is our anniversary. This calls for a celebration. We're going on a mini-vacay to St. Louis.
We left as soon as Seth got off work and had to stop for a sandwich at Subway.
Subway didn't last too long and we had both been craving Red Robin so we made a stop in Edwardsville for an early dinner.
Before long we were in the city. Of course, we got there for rush hour, which was splendid. Oh, and it was raining.
The rain cleared out by the time we walked down to the stadium for the Cardinal's game.
It was actually perfect weather to enjoy the game!
We headed back to the hotel and it was finally time for Seth to reveal the anniversary surprise!
Champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, and a new purse! What a great husband I have!
We left as soon as Seth got off work and had to stop for a sandwich at Subway.
Subway didn't last too long and we had both been craving Red Robin so we made a stop in Edwardsville for an early dinner.
Before long we were in the city. Of course, we got there for rush hour, which was splendid. Oh, and it was raining.
The rain cleared out by the time we walked down to the stadium for the Cardinal's game.
It was actually perfect weather to enjoy the game!
Champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, and a new purse! What a great husband I have!
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