
Thursday, June 30, 2011

181/365: Perfection on a Plate

These are the best fries I ever did taste. Thanks, Seth. Wish you would have made more.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

180/365: Apt Tour: The Kitchen

The view as you walk into the apartment (and the kitchen).

And from the other direction.

And as you look further to the left.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

179/365: Apt Tour: The Bathroom

There's not a lot going on right now, so I thought I'd post some pictures of our bathroom. I have to say this bathroom doesn't even compare to the bathroom in the old apartment. I pretty much love everything about this one.

And from further away, so the high ceilings can be appreciated.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

176/365: Weldon Springs

Weldon Springs State Park isn't too far from where we live. Neither Seth or I had ever been there but we've heard it's beautiful. Our plans for this evening fell through at the last minute so we decided to venture out to the park. I am sure the rest of the park is much better, but all we did was walk on a "trail" which was actually just a path that wandered through an overgrown field.

This was the only picture I took, as we were driving out of the park. I was so exhausted from walking around that stupid field!

Friday, June 24, 2011

175/365: Mini-Golf

I couldn't help but think back to family vacations from my younger days when we played mini-golf today. I don't think we ever went on a vacation where we didn't play mini golf.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

174/365: Scovill Zoo

The Scovill Zoo in Decatur is free on thursdays. Things I learned today.

I left my internship early to escape from all of the filing that was going on and snuck away to the zoo. On of the advantages to moving is living only a few minutes away from Decatur. (Usually not an advantage--but this is the zoo. And it's FREE)

Unfortunately, this is the only picture I took before it started raining. We didn't leave the zoo, but I wasn't about to take any pictures. 

I was pleasantly surprised at how nice the zoo was. I think we'll be going back when it isn't raining.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

173/365: Sweet Ride

Driving rental cars is one of the perks of my internship. However, today was the first day I actually got to drive a rental. And let me tell you the kiddo I was transporting thought it was the coolest. She kept gushing on and on about the car and how she wanted to have a car like this when she got her license. I wanted to tell her by the time she got her license who would probably care less about this car and would be wanting whatever cool new car comes out in 2020.

Personally, I thought the seats were really uncomfortable and there wasn't a place to plug in my phone so I could listen to my music. I mean, I'd probably take it over my car if someone offered, but if I had my choice of cars this isn't what I'd pick.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

172/365: How I Make Iced Coffee

I start by freezing coffee into ice cubes. Then I put the ice cubes in a glass.

Then add coffee. The cooler, the better. However, this was fresh coffee so it was pretty hot.

Next up is some whole milk. Would have used half and half if I had it.

Next I add in some creamer to give it flavor. Since I use creamer I don't add any sugar because I think that makes it too sweet.

And voila! Iced Coffee!

Monday, June 20, 2011

171/365: Homemade Iced Coffee

In the summer, I really love a cool drink. I also really love coffee. Solution: iced coffee.

Problem: iced coffee is expensive and kind of difficult to make at home.

Solution: coffee ice cubes. No more watered down iced coffee.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

169/365: Perks

One of the perks of Seth's job is that they have season tickets to Cornbelter's games.

To be honest, I could not care less about the Cornbelter's, but I do enjoy the atmosphere of being at a baseball game.

Friday, June 17, 2011

168/365: Summer Feet

Summer Feet=Painted Toenails by the pool.

Apartment Reminiscing

**I compiled this a few months ago, anticipating the day we would move out of our first apartment. I never would have dreamed we would be moving just a few short months later.**

I cannot believe this day has finally arrived. The day I move out of this hellhole lovely apartment.

Oh the memories.

It was the first place I lived after moving out of college.

Despite being so small, it was once home to three people (and a very large dog).

The toilet made noises that sounded like breathing. It was very creepy. We found out about a month later that those noises actually meant the toilet was running ALL the time and that month's water bill was three times what it normally was.

We found that out on a friday and the water was shut off all weekend.

A few months later I discovered the carpet in the closet was wet. My first thought was that the dog had peed in there, but as it turns out the hot water heater was leaking.

Guess what day we discovered the leaking hot water heater? Friday. Another weekend without water.

Also, the water heater was incredibly small. As the plumber put it, it was meant for a small office, not a small apartment.

Also, the one and only closet was shared with the water heater.

The first winter I lived here the pipes froze. (Recurring water theme) I don't even remember how long I was without water that time. I think it was at least a week before the landlords discovered where the pipes were frozen. It was in some mysterious basement that they didn't know existed. Also, in trying to find and repair that whole issue, I discovered that my landlord didn't have a key to my apartment and I nearly had to leave class to come let him in.

However, this was the apartment where Seth and I lived together after we got married.

I started and finished my masters degree all while living in this apartment.

Over spring break I decided it would be a good idea to paint the whole thing.

New windows were put in after living here for over a year. The old ones were literally falling off the trusses (if that's the right word). Well one of them was, the other was unopenable and half of it was a piece of thick plastic. Very energy efficient.

And now, it is just a memory.

I am glad to be leaving this apartment in the rearview mirror.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

167/365: Dollar Subs

In case you didn't hear, Jimmy John's locations throughout central Illinois had dollar subs today! Well worth the long lines!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

165/365: Not My Favorite

The new apartment has a gas stove. I am NOT enjoying cooking on a gas stove. I much prefer electric, thank you very much.

Monday, June 13, 2011

164/365: A Day in the Life

6:00 am: Alarm goes off. Hit snooze.

6:50 am: Finally get out of bed. (It's monday)

7:00 am: Make coffee

7:04 am: Shower & get ready to go. Check email and facebook. 

7:30 am: Shower & get ready to go.

8:15 am: Pour coffee into insulated mug to drink later.

8:20 am: Drive to work.

8:57 am: Arrive at work. Grab keys to van and a carseat.

9:00 am: Drive to daycare and pick up child.

9:15 am: Leave daycare, head to Springfield.

10:00 am: Drive past the place I am supposed to go. Circle the block.

10:02 am: Arrive at my destination.

10:05 am: Make awkward conversation. Observe parent/child visit.

11:45 am: Alert parent & child that it is time to go.

11:55 am: Go thru McDonald's drive thru. No time to stop for lunch today.

 12:05 pm: Drive back to Lincoln, eating my McDonald's deliciousness.

12:45 pm: Arrive at daycare, drop off child.

12:55 pm: Drive to courthouse. Stand outside while parent smokes.

1:00 pm: Go into courthouse. Realize we didn't actually have to be there until 1:30 pm.

1:02 pm: Set off metal detector for no apparent reason.

1:03 pm: Take elevator to second floor. Look at the posting for cases that will be heard today. Client has several.

1:05 pm: Wait for court to begin.

1:30 pm: Court begins. Wait for client's case to be called. 

2:50 pm: Recognize a professor from college who also has a case to be heard today. He allegedly squealed his tires in his driveway (he was able to get the charge dropped).

3:00 pm: Head outside to move the van so I don't get a parking ticket.

3:05 pm: Return to courthouse and find my client's name has not been called yet.

3:20 pm: Client's name is finally called. Client goes into court room, I wait in the rotunda.

3:25 pm: I watch a bunch of police officers converse outside of courtroom (Not sure why there were so many of them)

3:26 pm: I take a picture of them.

3:40 pm: Client comes out of court room, very pleased with outcome.

3:45 pm: Drive to friend of client's so client can pick up items to take back to Springfield. 

3:50 pm: Arrive at friend's house. Friend is apparently in the shower so we wait for friend to answer the door.

4:20 pm: Friend answers the door (finally). Client and friend converse.

4:35 pm: Finally ready to head to Springfield and take client home.

4:40 pm: Go thru McDonald's drive thru for a soda.

5:25 pm: Drop client off at home.

5:30 pm: Fill van up with gas. Get rained on.

6:15 pm: Arrive back at the office in Lincoln. Everyone has gone home for the day.

6:50 pm: Arrive home and collapse on the couch.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

162/365: Prim de la Prim

Seth and I are in Greenville today, visiting my family.

Zita offered us cream soda and declared it to be the "prim de la prim" of cream soda. Whatever that means.

Isn't this a sweet pic of my twin and his girlfriend? He needs to put a ring on it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

161/365: My New Goal in Life

I think it is safe to say I am addicted to Angry Birds. I have beat every level and now I am going back to get 3 stars in every level. Yes, I am an addict.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

160/365: Signs of the Times

That gray case you can barely see contains my laptop which hasn't been out of the case in nearly a week. With no homework and no Internet in the new apartment (yet) there really isn't a reason to have it out.

Instead, I've been filling my time with the Harry Potter series and enjoying it immensely. Sometimes it is wonderful to feel a little disconnected. This has allowed me to finish book #2 in less than 24 hours. That's a new record--even for me!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

159/365: Second Book

Happily, I am done with the first book and moving on the second. I am surprised at how much I have forgotten, but also at how much I remember.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

158/365: Goodbye Boxes

Finally! The packing and unpacking are finished. I have no need for boxes in my life!

Monday, June 6, 2011

157/365: Spare Time

In all of my spare time (and when I am not reading Harry Potter) I've been playing the heist. I like to tell myself that it is stimulating brain activity.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

156/365: Old Friend

I've started reading Harry Potter. Well, that's not totally true. I did read some of them when I was in jr. high. It's like being reunited with old friends.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

155/365: Weekends Done Right

This morning Seth and I went to Denny's for brunch because that's what you have time to do when you wake up at 7 on a Saturday morning.

Friday, June 3, 2011

154/365: Let Summer Begin

Tonight was the first fire of the summer. Ah, there's nothing quite like sitting by the pool (if only it was open) and enjoying a fire.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

153/365: Thirsty Thursday

So, we didn't go check out the Mexican restaurant just for the margaritas but it was a nice bonus.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

152/365: Officially Out

When we went to pick up our security deposit refund we took Judge along for the ride!
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